Coming Up with Great Business Name Ideas (Step by Step Guide)

A business name is the foundation of your brand. It's how people identify you and your company. If you want to be successful in the competitive world of business, then it's important to choose a name that will help your customers remember you for years to come.

Why your business name is important

Your business name is an incredibly important part of your business. It's what people will see, remember, and associate with your business. It's also what people will use to search for your business online and find it, making it a vital part of any marketing plan you have.

While some may think that naming a company is easy, the truth is that coming up with a great name can be tricky. A good business name should be easy to remember and say (so it sticks in the minds of customers), instantly convey the nature of what you do or sell (so customers know if they're interested), make sense as an extension of who you are or where you come from (so customers feel like they know who they're dealing with), and stand out from other companies within its industry (so no one else takes advantage of their unique brand identity). Your business name can last for years, so it's important to get it right instead of rushing the process.

Finding the perfect name is a process of trial and error. We've compiled some of our favourite tips for coming up with a great business name below:

Brainstorming business ideas

The first step in coming up with a great business name is brainstorming ideas. You want to get your creative juices flowing and come up with as many names as possible, even if they're not particularly good or commercial. Consider the name of your business as a brand; it should be something that stands out and communicates who you are, what type of products or services you offer, and how much value they bring to customers. It's also important that it doesn't sound too like other businesses' names in the industry (like two pizza joints both named "Pizza Place") so that consumers can easily remember yours when looking for new options online.

The second thing to consider is the length of your business name—both short ones like Apple Computer and long ones like IBM Corporation tend to work well but only when followed by an easy-to-remember tagline (like "Think Different"). If either type seems too generic though (e.g., Insurance Company), then go back through our list again until inspiration strikes!

Make a list of the best names

Now it's time to make a list of the best names. This is basically where you brainstorm. Here are some things to consider:

  • Names that are easy to pronounce and spell
  • Names that are easily remembered by customers, employees, and other stakeholders
  • Names that roll off the tongue (this can be important if you're using social media for marketing)
  • Names that are not too long or too short

Guidelines for business name ideas

  • Make it easy to spell, pronounce and remember.
  • Make it unique.
  • Don't use offensive, deceptive, or misleading names.
  • Ensure your business name isn't the same as an existing business name, registered trademark or official government or statutory name in the territory you want to operate in.
  • Don't use the name of another business or corporation without their consent. The name should not be confusingly similar to an existing trademark or service mark in your market area

Check if business name is available (business name search & ensure domain names and trademarks are available)

Before you start brainstorming business names, it's a good idea to check if your desired business name is available. There are several ways in which you can do so, but here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Use the Business Name Search tool at Registry Australia to see if your desired business name is available for registration in Australia (or wherever else).
  • Check if any trademarks have been registered for that particular term by going to and entering the terms into their search fields (this will show all registered trademarks).
  • Googling "my name + trademark" will also help you find out whether any marks have been applied for or registered in relation to this particular word(s)

Registering your business name

Now that you’ve come up with some great business name ideas, it’s time to register your business name.

Unfortunately, there are many people who think they can get away with registering a domain name or trademark without providing anything in return. This is not the case; domains and trademarks require a certain amount of paperwork before they can be approved by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

We recommend visiting to register your business name quickly and easily. Our team at Registry can help you register your business name, ABN, and any other business needs you may have.

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that business names reflect who you are and what you do. They help people understand what your company does and how they can benefit from it. Therefore, make sure that the name is something that your customers will remember and not just another generic term used by hundreds or thousands of other companies. Contact us at Registry Australia to get started with registering your business name.

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